ECU Faculty/Staff/Students
Accessible Parking at ECU
ECU is committed to accessibility and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended (2008). As a large, land locked University, parking is and always will be a challenge on campus.
Pirate Access
In response to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities, ECU operates a fully compliant Transit system consisting of modern buses that allow easy on and off access. In addition, the University operates a point to point on demand service called Pirate Access. This service is operated by Transit and will pick you up from your assigned parking zone or campus location and get you as close to your building as possible. Keep in mind that some buildings are not easily accessible by vehicle. You may need to work with your medical provider to determine if a mobility aid might assist you to navigate campus.
Submit an application to Pirate Access found here:
ADA Parking Spaces
If you have a state ADA plate or hangtag and would like to drive to campus, bring your ADA hangtag or photo of your ADA plate to the parking office. Your hangtag/plate will be verified that it belongs to the person purchasing the ECU parking permit. Faculty/staff/students will then have the ADA designation added to their registered license plate(s) in the system. ADA space utilization will be assigned as follows:
A1/A3 for Faculty/Staff who work in buildings adjacent to A zone parking
B1/B3 for Faculty/Staff who work in buildings adjacent to B zone parking
A2 for resident students living on College Hill
B2 for resident students living on Core Campus and West End
C2/B4 for commuter students
Once I have purchased a permit, do I need to do anything else?
You need to be approved and have the ADA designation added to your permit/vehicle registration to use the ADA spaces in your assigned parking area. You will still need to display your ADA hangtag at all times.
To travel to other areas of campus that are in other parking zones, you can use the Pirate Access service.
Are there exceptions that allow students with disabilities to park on main campus?
Generally, no. If you believe you have a circumstance for which an exception should be made, you’ll need to make an appointment with the Director of Disability Support Services.
Exceptions include conditions for which utilizing the transit system may have serious health consequences i.e., quadriplegia resulting in the inability to regulate body temperature; students with personal care attendants who assist with clearing airways and/or managing major bodily functions.
Disability Support Services
Mendenhall 109
(252) 737-1016
Parking and Transportation
(252) 328-6294
ADA Coordinator’s Office
(252) 737-1018
Transit and Bus Lines
(252) 328-4724
Temporary Disabilities
ECU faculty/staff/students requiring access to campus for a short time, should utilize the Pirate Access system. Pirate Access will pick you up at your vehicle and take you to the vicinity of your destination. The application information is listed on the left.